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The Moral Concordances
Of Saint Anthony Of Padua

              257.              Of faith and its articles; otherwise of the Sacraments.

Gen. 15:6 Is. 11:5 l │ 28:16 l │ 53:1 Jer. 17:5, 7 Hab. 2:4 l S. Matt. 7:25 l │ 8:13 9:29 │ 13:33 │ 15:28 │ 16:18 │ 17:19, 20 │ 21:32 S. Mark 5:34 │ 9:23 │ 11:22 │ 16:16 S. Luke 17:6 │ 18:8 l, 42 S. John 1:12, 50 │ 3:15 l, 18 4:53 l │ 5:24 │ 6:40 │ 7:38 │ 8:24 │ 9:35 11:25 l │ 12:42 │ 14:12 │ 16:30 l │ 17:20 │ 20:31 Acts 15:9 Rom. 1:17 l │ 3:22 │ 4:3, 23 │ 5:1 9:30 │ 10:10, 11 │ 11:20 l 1 Cor. 3:11 Gal. 3:11 Eph. 6:16 Col. 1:23 f 1 Thess. 1:3 f 3:5 │ 5:8 2 Thess. 1:4 1. Tim. 1:19 │ 4:12 l 2 Tim. 1:5 f. 13 │ 3:10 Tit. 1:16 │ 2:1 Heb. 4:2 l │ 10:38 │ 11:1 S. James 2:17, 19 1 S. Pet. 1:5, 8 1 S. John 5:1 S. Jude 3, 20.

              258.              Of hope.

Job 5:16 | 13:15 | 14:7, 14 | 19:25 Ps. 5:12 9:10 | 21:7 | 22:9 | 23:4 | 27:3 | 30:1 31:1 | 33:18 | 37:3, 5 | 38:15 | 39:8 | 40:5 | 42:7 52:9 | 55:23 | 56:4 | 57:1 | 73:27 | 78:8 84:13 | 91:2, 14 | 119:43 l | 130:5 Prov. 10:28 14:32 l Is. 40:31 | 64:4 Jer. 17:7, 17 Hos. 2:15 Ecclus. 2:9, 14 Rom. 5:5 f | 12:12 f 1 Tim. 1:1 l Heb. 4:16 S. James 1:6 | 5:7 S. Pet. 1:3, 21 l | 3:5.

              259.              Of charity.

Lev. 6:13 | 19:18, 34 Deut. 6:5 | 10:12 11:13 | 30:6 Prov. 3:28 | 8:17 | 10:12 | 17:17 18:24 Cant. 1:4 l, 7 f | 2:3, 8, 16 | 3:10 5:8 | 7:10 | 8:6 Jer. 31:3 Dan. 9:4 Ecclus. 6:14 | 7:35 | 9:10 | 13:14 | 22:21 | 24:18 | 25:1 27:17 | 34:16 | 37:6 | 44:10 | 47:8 l S. Matt. 5:44 | 22:37 S. Luke 6:27 | 7:47 | 10:27 S. John 13:34, 35 | 14:15, 21, 23 | 15:10, 12 21:16 Rom. 5:5 l | 8:35 | 12:9 f | 13:8 1 Cor. 8:1 l | 13:1 2 Cor. 12:15 Gal. 5:14, 22 Eph. 3:19 Philip. 2:1 Col. 1:4 | 2:2 | 3:14 1 Thess. 1:3 | 3:6 │ 4:9 2 Thess. 1:3 | 3:5 1 Tim. 1:5 4:12 Heb. 13:1 S. James 2:8 1 S. Pet. 1:22 | 2:17 | 4:8 1 S. John 2:10, 15 l | 3:11, 17, 18 | 4:8, 11 2 S. John 6 S. Jude 21 f.

              260.              Of the love of GOD and one’s neighbour.

Prov. 10:12 l Cant. 8:2 S. Luke 12:49 Rom. 13:10 1 Cor. 13:4 | 14:1 1 Tim. 1:5 Rev. 3:18.

              261.              Against despair.

Gen. 4:13 2 Sam. 2:26 2 Kings 20:1 Ps. 77:2 l Prov. 4:27 | 24:10 Is. 38:1 | 51:17 Jer. 2:25 | 3:12 | 18:8 | 38:10 Ezek. 18:27, 32 Hos. 2:19 Jon. 1:17 Zech. 8:6 Ecclus. 2:10 | 11:25 l | 38:9 S. Luke 7:37 | 22:62 23:42 Acts 9:1 S. Jude 11 f.

              262.              Of the pusillanimity of the wicked.

Ex. 15:16 f Lev. 26:36 Deut. 28:66 Josh. 2:11 | 5:1 1 Sam. 4:7 | 25:37 Job. 15:24 18:11 Ps. 53:6 Prov. 28:1 Jer. 20:3 l Hos. 7:11 Wis. 17:4 S. John 10:12.

              263.              Against an evil fear.

Prov. 10:24 Is. 41:14 Ecclus. 22:18 S. Matt. 10:28 S. Luke 12:32.

              264.              Of presumption.

Ex. 3:3 | 19:12 Lev. 10:1 | 22:3 2 Sam. 6:6 2 Chron. 26:18 Prov. 18:13 | 25:6 Ecclus. 7:5 | 8:14 | 11:7 | 31:12 S. Matt. 7:3 | 8:8 | 22:12.

              265.              Of the security of the righteous.

Job 1:10 | 5:22 | 11:15 | 39:21 Ps. 3:7 23:4 | 27:1, 3 | 34:7, 22 | 46:2 | 91:4 | 140:7 Prov. 3:25 | 28:1 l | 30:30 Ecclus. 34:16 1 S. John 4:4.

              266.              That the righteous ought not to fear the powerful, but rather despise them for GOD’s sake; or, of a good fear.

Deut. 5:29 | 10:12 1 Sam. 4:7 | 18:12 2 Kings 17:38 Job 1:1 l | 7:13, 14 | 9:28 | 13:11 25:2 | 26:11 | 28:28 | 37:1 Ps. 2:11 | 19:9 22:23 | 25:11 | 34:7, 11 | 102:15 | 111:5 | 112:1 128:1 Prov. 1:7 | 10:27 | 14:16 | 16:6 l 28:14 f Eccles. 12:13 Is. 66:2 l Jer. 5:24 Mal. 1:6 Tob. 4:21 Ecclus. 1:13, 20 | 2:7, 8, 9, 17 | 3:7 | 10:22 | 15:1 | 16:2 | 18:27 | 23:27 27:4 | 33:1 | 34:14 | 40:27 S. Mark 6:20 Acts 10:35 1 S. Pet. 1:17 l | 2:17 Rev. 14:7.

              267.              That GOD sees not only deeds, but also thoughts, and is therefore to be feared.

Num. 14:28 | Is. 50:8 | 57:11 | 65:3 Jer. 8:6 23:23 Ecclus. 17:15 | 23:19 S. James 5:9 l.

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