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The Moral Concordances
Of Saint Anthony Of Padua

              230.              Against instability of heart; or, against inconstancy and wandering of thought.

Gen. 4:14 │ 8:7 │ 25:27 │ 34:1 Ex. 9:19 12:22 l Josh. 2:19 2 Kings 6:9 Job 29:19 31:5 Ps. 1:5 Prov. 27:8 │ Is. 22:18 │ 41:7 l 57:20 Jer. 14:10 │ 52:3 Lam. 1:8 │ Mic. 1:13 Ecclus. 5:9, 10 │ 6:24 │ 14:25 │ 27:11 │ 33:5 36:26 S. Luke 15:13 2 Thess. 2:2 │ 3:11 Heb. 13:9 f S. James 1:6 l 1 S. John 4:1.

              231.              Against idolators; or that none can serve GOD and Mammon.

Gen. 35:2 Ex. 20:3 Lev. 26:1 Deut. 12:3 1 Sam. 5:3 1 Kings 11:4 Ps. 81:9, 10 Is. 28:20 │ 49:20 l Hos. 9:10 Amos 3:3 Zeph. 1:5 Zech. 11:8 Ecclus. 2:12 │ 13:18 S. Matt. 6:24 │ 8:29 1 Cor. 10:14 2 Cor. 6:15 Philip. 3:19 S. James 1:8.

              232.              Against those that mix good with evil.

Ex. 14:28 Lev. 1:2 │ 22:4 Deut. 18:13 1 Sam. 15:3 Neh. 13:15 Job. 31:7 Ps. 1:4 106:11 │ 119:101 │ Eccles. 9:10 Cant. 4:7 Is. 1:22 │ 5:20 Ecclus. 33:22 1 Macc. 4:42 7:46 l │ 9:10 2 Macc. 6:24 S. Matt. 23:25 1 Cor. 10:21 S. James 2:10.

              233.              Against those who too often frequent the houses of their friends, and of great men.

2 Sam. 19:34 Prov. 25:17 Ecclus. 13:9 21:22.

              234.              Against the natural desire of often visiting our relations, and dwelling too much with them.

Gen. 12:1 │ 13:14 │ 19:14, 16 │ 47:24 Ex. 32:27 Lev. 21:1 Deut. 33:9 │ 1 Sam. 6:10, 12 2 Sam. 11:11 Ps. 45:11 Prov. 25:16 Jer. 9:4 Joel 1:4 Mic. 7:5 2 Macc. 15:18 S. Matt. 8:21 │ 12:47, 48 │ 18:8 S. Mark 3:32 S. Luke 2:49 │ 8:21 │ 9:61 │ S. John 2:4 Heb. 7:3.

              235.              That if we return to sin, the devil assaults us more vehemently; or, against backsliding.

Gen. 19:26 Ex. 16:2, 3 Num. 11:5 Job 31:1 Prov. 26:11 Jer. 15:6 Lam. 1:13 Ezek. 1:12 Dan. 11:13 Hos. 8:3, 13 Amos 4:11 S. Matt. 12:43 │ 24:17 S. Luke 9:62 │ 11:24 │ 17:31, 32 S. John 5:14 │ 8:11 Gal. 3:3 Heb. 6:4 │ 10:29 2 S. Pet. 2:22.

              236.              That one who has fallen back into sin may often profit the righteous.

Job 8:7 Ps. 119:67, 71 Ecclus. 4:25 │ 42:14 Rom. 5:21 │ 8:28.

              237.              Concerning evil habit and obstinacy; or, that an inveterate custom is with great difficulty given up.

Ex. 16:3 Num. 11:5 │ 14:3 l Job 18:8 Prov. 27:22 Is. 5:18 │ 58:6 Jer. 2:32 l │ 3:3 6:15 │ 8:4 │ 9:5 l │ 13:23 │ 17:1 Lam. 3:27, 53 4:8 Ez. 24:12 Zech. 5:7 Ecclus. 26:28 l S. Mark 9:26 S. Luke 9:39 S. John 11:43 Rom. 2:4 │ 6:21.

              238.               Against obstinate old men.

1 Sam. 3:18 Job 6:15 Is. 65:20 Ezek. 8:12 Hos. 7:9.

              239.              Of the bodies of the wicked; that they are altogether polluted with sin.

Gen. 6:16 │ Ex. 9:9 Num. 12:10 Deut. 27:18 28:22 Job. 2:7 │ 41:14 Ps. 109:17 Is. 1:5, 6 53:2 l 2 Macc. 9:5 S. Matt. 8:2 S. Luke. 5:12 | 8:27.

              240.              Concerning the bitterness of the life of the wicked.

Ex. 5:6 │ 8:24 Deut. 28:65 Judg. 16:21 Job 30:7 Is. 42:25 │ 57:20 │ 59:8 f Jer. 2:19 m 5:3 │ 9:5 l │ 16:13 l Lam. 1:20 │ 3:5 │ 5:5 Hos. 7:9 f │ 10:11 l Wis. 5:7 S. Mark 5:5 S. Luke 15:16 Rev. 8:11 │ 14:11.

              241.              That the wicked neither feel nor care for the labour which they undergo for the world.

Prov. 23:34 Hos. 7:9.

              242.              Of watchfulness.

Deut. 4:9 2 Sam. 21:10 Ps. 59:9 │ 119:109 127:1 │ 130:6 Prov. 4:23 │ 27:18 f Is. 21:8 Jer. 17:21 f Hab. 2:1 Bar. 3:34 S. Luke 11:21 1 Thess. 4:4 Heb. 3:13.

              243.              That those who are unfruitful will be cut off; or that we ought to avoid the companionship, counsels, conversation, and example of the wicked.

Gen. 3:4, 6, 12 │ 11:3 f │ 12:1 │ 14:11 │ 21:9 26:23 │ 27:43 │ 49:5 Lev. 18:3 Num. 16:26 25:1 │ 1 Sam. 15:6 1 Kings 12:8 2 Chron. 19:2 20:37 m │ 24:17 Job. 6:27 │ 16:2 │ 21:16 l Ps. 1:1 │ 6:8 │ 101:8, 10 Prov. 1:10 │ 2:11, 12 4:14 │ 13:20 │ 23:6 │ 24:1, 21 l Jer. 48:28 49:8 │ 51:6 Obad. 7 Ecclus. 8:5, 18 │ 10:2 11:32 │ 13:1, 17 │ 22:13 │ 25:16 │ 37:8 │ 41:8 1 Macc. 2:27 S. Matt. 2:9 │ 18:8 S. Mark. 8:15 | 9:18 S. Luke 10:11 Rom. 12:2 1 Cor. 5:2 l 15:33 2 Thess. 3:6 │ 3:10.

              244.              That the sin of one man is often visited on many.

Gen. 3:17 and Rom. 5:12 Num. 32:15 Josh. 7:24 Judg. 20 and 21; for the sin of Gibeon, the whole tribe of Benjamin is destroyed. 1 Sam. 4, for the sin of the sons of Eli, 30,000 Israelites are slain, and the ark is taken. 2 Sam. 21:1 │ 24; for the sin of David in numbering the people, 70,000 are slain.

              245.              That we are sometimes to tolerate the company of the wicked.

Gen. 13:12 l Job. 1:1 │ 30:29 Ps. 31:13 41:9 Cant. 2:2 Is. 6:5 m Ez. 2:6 S. Mark 9:19 S. Luke 22:21 2 S. Pet. 2:7 Rev. 2:13 f

              246.              That we are to seek for the companionship of the good, and for religious confraternities.

Gen. 21:32 Ruth 1:16 │ 2 Chron. 15:9 Job. 5:23 Prov. 13:20 f Eccles. 4:9 Ecclus. 6:35 │ 9:15 f │ 24:16 │ 37:12 S. Matt. 12:42 S. John 1:38, 39 Acts 9:26 S. James 5:16.

              247.              Of the usefulness of good companionship.

Gen. 18:32 │ 30:30 │ 30:39 Ex. 34:30 Judg. 17:13 │ 2 Sam. 6:11 Job. 42:8 Is. 37:35.

              248.              That no evil shall go unpunished, and no good shall remain unrewarded.

Job 4:8 │ 36:11, 12 Prov. 11:18, 27 l Eccles. 12:14 Wis. 3:15 Ecclus. 51:30 Rom. 1:18 │ 6:22 2 Cor. 9:6 Gal. 5:21 l │ 6:5, 9 2 S. Pet. 2:2 Rev. 22:12.

              249.              That the greatest men will suffer the greatest punishment.

Lev. 21:9 Is. 2:12 │ 34:6 Amos. 9:1 Wis. 6:6 l Ecclus. 12:13 S. Matt. 23:14 l Rev. 18:7, 8 │ 19:17, 18.

              250.              That punishment will answer to crime both in quantity and quality.

Judg. 1:7 Ps. 5:11 │ 7:17 │ 62:12 l Is. 33:1 Jer. 21:14 f │ 25:14 l │ 30:14 │ 32:19 Ez. 31:10, 11 Joel 3:4 l Wis. 11:16 1 Macc. 2:67 2 Macc. 5:10 │ 9:28 S. Mark 4:24 m S. Luke 6:38 l Rev. 18:6.

              251.              That after they are cast into hell, the eyes of the wicked will be opened.

Job 21:20 │ 27:19 Ps. 9:17 │ 78:34 Is. 2:20 Wis. 5:2 f, 8 │ S. Luke 16:23.

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