181. Concerning the bitterness of contrition, and blaming ourselves.
2 Sam. 24:17 ║ 1 Chron. 21:8, 17 ║ Ezra 9:3 Neh. 1:4 ║ Job 9:20 | 10:1 l | 33:27 | 42:6 Ps. 6:7 | 51:17 | 147:3 ║ Is. 6:5 | 38:15 l 57:15 l ║ Mic. 7:8 f ║ S. Luke 15:18 ║ 1 Tim. 1:15.
182. That we ought abundantly to weep for our sins.
Gen. 29:11 | 37:34 | 43:30 ║ Ex. 33:4 Lev. 10:6 l ║ Num. 20:29 ║ Deut. 30:1 ║ Josh. 7:5 l Judg. 11:35 ║ Ruth 1:9 l ║ 1 Sam. 1:7 1 Chron. 21:16 ║ Ezra 10:1 ║ Esth. 4:1 ║ Job 16:15 Ps. 42:3 | 119:136 ║ Prov. 13:14 ║ Eccles. 4:1 m 7:2 ║ Cant. 1:13 ║ Is. 16:9 | 22:12 | 38:3 l 59:11 ║ Jer. 6:26 | 9:1, 18 | 31:9 f ║ Lam. 2:19 f Ezek. 16:61 ║ Dan. 10:2 ║ Joel 2:17 ║ Jon. 3:6 Wis. 3:2 l ║ Tob. 2:5 ║ Judith 8:17 ║ Ecclus. 7:34 | 38:19 ║ Bar. 2:18 ║ 2 Macc. 3:19 S. Matt. 5:4 ║ Luke 19:41 ║ Acts 20:37 Philip. 3:17 ║ S. James 4:9 ║ Rev. 5:4.
183. That even the righteous man stands in need of repentance.
Gen. 27:16 ║ Num. 19:9 ║ Job 25:5 ║ Is. 13:10 l 50:3 ║ Jer. 31:4 ║ Ezek. 32:7 ║ Amos. 9:6 ║ Mal. 3:3 Ecclus. 18:6, 7 ║ S. Luke 17:10 ║ S. John 15:2 l 1 Cor. 9:27.
184. Of penitence, and the arms of penitence; or the armour of GOD.
Gen. 2:11 l ║ Ex. 12:11 | 28:2 ║ Deut. 30:1 2 Sam. 12:13 ║ Ezra 10:1 ║ Neh. 8:9 l ║ Ps. 45:4 Cant. 3:7 ║ Is. 38:15 | 59:17 | 61:3 ║ Jer. 4:1 31:21 l ║ Ez. 30:9 | 33:11 ║ Dan. 9:3 ║ Joel 2:13 Jon. 3:4 ║ Bar. 4:28 ║ S. Matt. 3:7 | 12:41 S. Luke 18:13 ║ Eph. 6:11 ║ Col. 3:12 ║ Rev. 2:5.
185. Of the waters that flow down from mountains; that is, of holy doctrine, contrition, and baptism.
Gen. 2:10 | 26:32 ║ Job 12:15 ║ Ps. 65:10, 11 72:6 | 74:14 | 104:13 ║ Prov. 5:15 ║ Cant. 5:12 Is. 12:3 | 55:1 f ║ Jer. 2:13 ║ Ezek. 17:8 | 34:26 l 47:8 ║ Zech. 13:1 | 14:8 ║ S. John 2:7 | 4:14 Heb. 6:7.
186. That the rite of confession is to be prudently administered.
Ex. 21:33 ║ Num. 19:15 ║ Ps. 81:6 ║ Prov. 25:9 l Haggai 2:11 ║ Tob. 12:7 ║ S. Matt. 23:4 | 24:35 S. Luke 10:34.
187. That the burden imposed is not to be out of proportion to the strength.
Ex. 22:24 ║ S. Matt. 9:16 ║ S. Mark 2:22 S. Luke 14:28 ║ Rom. 12:1 l.
188. What confession ought to be.
’Tis simple, humble, frequent, pure, sincere;
Open, discreet, free, modest, without fear;
’Tis perfect, secret, tearful, undelayed;
Brave, self-accusing, with obedience paid;
’Tis full of hope, or no fruit comes; addressed
To One that feels—the wisest and the best.
’Tis simple—Is. 20:2 ║ Ecclus. 4:26.
Humble—Ps. 51:3.
Frequent—Neh. 9:3 l ║ Is. 23:16.
Pure—Ex. 12:8 l.
Sincere—Job. 22:2, 5.
Open—S. John 12:3 l.
Discreet—Lev. 2:13 ║ Rom. 12:1.
Free—Ps. 54:6.
Modest—Ezra 9:6 ║ S. Luke 18:13.
Without—fear—Ps. 130:4.
’Tis perfect—Ps. 51:9 ║ S. Matt. 18:34 ║ S. James 2:10.
Secret—Ps. 19:12.
Tearful—1 Kings 21:27 ║ Neh. 1:4 ║ Is. 38:3 l Jon. 3:6 ║ S. Matt. 26:75 ║ S. Luke 7:38.
Undelayed—Ecclus. 5:7 ║ S. Matt 5:25.
Brave—2 Cor. 4:16.
Self accusing—Job 7:11 | 33:27 ║ Prov. 18:17 S. Luke 15:18
With obedience paid—Prov. 26:11 ║ Eccles. 12:7 2 S. Pet 2:21.
’Tis full of hope, or no fruit comes—Gen. 4:13 S. Matt. 27:3.
Addressed to one that feels—Ecclus. 12:13.
The wisest—S. Luke 6:39.
And the best—Jer. 5:5 | 23:28.
189. Of confession and its fruit.
Gen. 44:18 ║ Josh. 7:19 ║ Judg. 2:18 l ║ 10:15 2 Sam. 14:26 | 24:10 l ║ 2 Chron. 13:18 ║ Ezra 9:6 Neh. 9:3 l ║ Job 7:11 | 31:33 | 33:27 ║ Ps. 32:5 38:4, 18 | 106:6 ║ Prov. 28:13 ║ Is. 64:6 ║ Jer. 3:13 8:6 ║ Lam. 2:19 f | 5:15 ║ Ez. 18:30 l ║ S. Matt. 3:6 S. Luke 15:7, 17 ║ Acts 19:18 ║ 1 Cor. 11:31 S. James 3:17 f | 5:16.
190. Of satisfaction in this life.
Gen. 37:33 ║ Josh. 7:6 ║ 2 Sam. 12 ║ 1 Kings 21:27 ║ Ezra 9:4 | 10:1 ║ Esth. 4:16 ║ Job 1:20 16:16 ║ Is. 37:1 ║ Jer. 4:8 | 9:1 | 18:8 ║ Dan. 4:27 | 9:3 ║ Joel 1:13 ║ Jon. 3:5 ║ Judith 4:11 8:5, 17 ║ Bar. 4:28 ║ 2 Macc. 10:25 ║ S. Matt. 3:2 | 12:41 ║ S. Luke 19:8 ║ Rom. 6:19.
191. As the righteousness of the righteous is well pleasing to GOD, so is the penitence of sinners; and that as much as we have given up ourselves to sin, so much we ought to return to GOD.
Lev. 6:25 | 7:2 ║ Is. 31:6 ║ Bar. 4:28 ║ S. Luke 7:38 | 15:7 | Rom. 5:20 l | 6:19.
192. Of these three, contrition, confession, and satisfaction taken together.
Gen. 22:4 ║ Ex. 3:18 | 8:27 ║ Josh. 1:11 | 7:6 Judg. 1:3 ║ Cant. 4:8 ║ Is. 16:14, 23 ║ Jer. 31:4 Dan. 5:21 ║ Hos. 2:3 ║ 1 Macc. 2:66 ║ S. Matt. 1:3 ║ S. Mark 10:35 | 13:33 ║ Rom. 10:10.