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The Moral Concordances
Of Saint Anthony Of Padua

              170.              That we ought to be anxious for the salvation of others.

Gen. 4:9 f | 35:2 Ex. 26:3 Ps. 34:3, 11 51:13 | 95:1 Prov. 5:16 | 24:11 Is. 2:3 30:20 | 31:6 Jer. 15:19 l | 16:16 Ecclus. 33:17 S. Mark 5:19 S. Luke 8:39 S. John 1:41, 45 4:28 1 Tim. 4:13, 16 S. James 5:19, 20 1 S. Pet. 5:2 Rev. 22:17.

              171.              Of conversion from the world and from sin.

Gen. 4:7 | 19:14 | 21:8 | 28:19 | 29:1 | 49:6, 21 f Ex. 3:8 | 9:1 | 10:29 | 16:6 2 Chron. 30:8 | 34:3 Job 36:10, 20 Ps. 1:1 Prov. 3:28 Is. 30:21 43:25 | 44:22 | 45:22 | 46:8 | 49:9 Jer. 4:1 7:13 | 8:6 | 18:8 | 25:5 Ezek. 18:30 | 33:11 Joel 2:12 Zeph. 2:3 Haggai 1:2 Mal. 3:7 l Ecclus. 5:7 S. Matt. 3:2 | 11:28 | 19:29 | 22:4 S. Mark 11:13 Rev. 22:17.

              172.              That we ought to stir up others to repentance and conversion.

Gen. 41:14 Ex. 12:15 | 13:3 | 15:22 f Ruth 3:1 1 Sam. 7:3 Cant. 3:11 Is. 1:16 30:15 | 45:22 | 48:20 Jer. 3:1 l, 12 | 6:26 8:14 | 13:16, 18 | 31:21 | 46:19 | 50:8 Lam. 3:40 Hos. 2:14 | 6:1 | 12:13 f Jon. 2:6 Wis. 10:1.

              173.              That enormous sinners, when converted, may be profitable to others by their teaching and example.

Job 28:2 Ps. 68:22 Prov. 27:27 | 31:14 Is. 17:2 | 35:7 | 43:6 | 55:13 | 60:4 l Jer. 30:10 m 51:48 Hos. 1:2 m | 2:15 S. Matt. 4:17 Rom. 5:20 l.

              174.              That conversion is hearty in thought and in deed, if we renounce the details of sin.

Gen. 14:3 | 19:17 m | 35:2 | 45:20 Ex. 10:26 12:15 f Lev. 12:8 Deut. 7:2, 25 m | 12:3 Josh. 22:28 | 23:12 Judg. 6:20 | 1 Sam. 15:18 Job 11:14 Ps. 45:11 l Prov. 5:8 Jer. 4:1 50:8 Hos. 2:17 | Ecclus. 21:2 Eph. 5:3.

              175.              That repentance should be taken in hand speedily for seven reasons.

The first reason is, lest sin become a habit, which it is almost impossible to give up.

Jer. 8:6 l | 9:5 l | 22:23 S. John 11:39 l.

The second reason is, lest we should fall from one wickedness into another.

Ps. 42:9 f Hos. 4:2 Rom. 2:5 Rev. 22:11.

The third reason is, sudden death.

Prov. 27:1 Eccles. 9:15 S. Matt. 25:13 S. Luke 12:20, 40 Rev. 3:3 l | 16:15 l.

The fourth reason is, that a man in his last sickness may be taken up by other matters, or may be slain by some unexpected accident.

1 Sam. 4:18 | 31:2 l 2 Sam. 20:10 Eccles. 12:1 Is. 38:19 f Jer. 50:24 | 51:34.

The fifth reason is, lest man should be tormented by the pains of hell.

Job 20:18 1 Cor. 3:13 Heb. 10:31.

The sixth reason is, the difficulty of true repentance.

Job 18:18 Lam. 3:53 l Hos. 13:12 Zech. 5:7

The seventh reason is, the shame which men feel in confessing the circumstances of their sins.

Cant. 1:13 Jer. 3:2 l S. Luke 18:13 Rom. 6:21.

              176.              Against those who put off confession or conversion.

Gen. 19:15 | 28:18 Prov. 3:28 Eccles. 12:1 Wis. 6:14 | 16:27 Lam. 3:27 Mic. 7:1 Zeph. 2:14 Ecclus. 5:4 | 5:7 | 6:18 | 25:3 S. Matt. 21:19 S. Luke 13:6.

              177.              That evil and impenitent men die before the time which GOD had otherwise appointed for them.

Gen. 20:7 Job 22:16, 17 Ps. 55:15 | 78:33 Prov. 10:27 l.

              178.              To the newly-converted.

Deut. 21:12 Jer. 4:3 | 7:29 Ezek. 5:1 Ecclus. 2:1.

              179.              That those who are newly-converted are to be gently treated.

Gen. 33:13 Is. 66:13 S. John 12:2 1 Cor. 3:2 Gal. 6:1 1 Thess. 5:14 2 Thess. 3:15.

              180.              That we are not to presume at the beginning of our conversion.

Lev. 12:4 l | 19:23 Ruth 2:10 2. Sam. 10:5 14:33 Job 4:18 | 9:15, 20, 30 Jer. 3:12 Dan. 9:18 l Ecclus. 5:5 S. Luke 7:38 | 10:39 15:19 | 18:13.

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