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The Moral Concordances
Of Saint Anthony Of Padua

              7.              Of gluttony.

Gen. 3:6, 19 │ 25:30 Ex. 12:39 │ 16:3 Num. 11:33 1 Sam. 14:24 2 Kings 4:39 Prov. 23:1 Lam. 4:5 Hos. 10:13 Amos 6:4 Mic. 6:14 Ecclus. 31:12 Heb. 13:9.

              8.              Of drunkenness.

Gen. 9:21 │ 19:32 Lev. 10:9 2 Sam. 13:28 1 Kings 16:9 │ 20:12, 16 Eccles. 2:3 f Is. 29:9 Jer. 25:15 Dan. 1:8 │ 5:4 Hos. 4:11 Amos 6:6 Jud. 12:20 │ 13:2 Wis. 2:6 Ecclus. 31:30 1 Tim. 3:8 Tit. 1:7 │ 2:3.

              9.              Against gluttony and drunkenness, in common.

Ex. 32:6 Judg. 13:4 │ 16:25 Esth. 1:5, 9 5:8, 12 │ 6:14 Prov. 21:17 │ 23:20 Is. 22:13 66:3 Jer. 23:15 Dan. 5:1 │ 10:2, 3 │ Hos. 4:18 13:6 Ecclus. 18:30 │ 19:1, 2 │ 23:6 │ 29:21 S. Mark 6:21 Rom. 13:13 Gal. 5:21.

              10.              Against daintiness in meats.

Gen. 25:29 Num. 11:4 1 Sam. 2:15 S. Matt. 12:1 1 Tim. 6:8.

              11.              Against those who provoke to excessive eating and drinking.

Num. 25:2 2 Sam. 13:27 Esth. 1:8 Ps. 69:22 Prov. 1:10 │ 23:7, 29, 30 Is. 22:13 │ 36:16 56:12 Jer. 35:5 │ 52:26—(Jerusalem taken by Nebuzar-adan, the prince of the Cooks.) Amos. 2:12 Hab. 2:15 Wis. 2:7 Ecclus. 31:30 S. Mark 15:23 S. Luke 12:19.

              12.              Of temperance, or sobriety.

Gen. 1:29 │ 2:17 │ 3:17 Dan. 1:16 │ 10:3 Ecclus. 31:27 │ 37:31 S. Matt. 5:6 Rom. 14:3 f 1 Tim. 3:2 │ 4:4 │ 5:23 1 S. Pet. 2:11.

              13.              That the flesh must be subdued to the spirit; or of temperance and carnal desires.

Gen. 21:8 │ 43:11 Ex. 26:1 Deut. 14:19 Josh. 15:18 Judg. 7:21 Cant. 4:14 l Is. 11:7 30:24 Jer. 31:4 Nah. 3:14 Ecclus. 18:30 33:24 │ 39:26 S. Mark 1:6 S. Luke 15:8 S. John 19:39 Rom. 8:13 │ 12:1 │ 13:14 1 Cor. 9:27 Gal. 5:24 1 S. Pet. 2:11.

              14.              Of fasting.

Ex. 24:18 1 Kings 19:8 Esth. 4:16 Is. 58:3 Joel 2:12 Jon. 3:7 Tob. 12:8 Jud. 8:6 S. Matt. 6:17 1 Cor. 10:31.

              15.              Against indiscreet fasting.

Dan. 7:4 Ecclus. 31:28 1 Tim. 5:23.

              16.              Of a good feast.

These seven things are to be observed in eating:—The fear of GOD: grace: reading: moderate speed: Few words: glad heart: a part to them that need.

The fear of GOD—S. Jude 12.

Grace—S. Luke 9:16 │ 22:19 1 Tim. 4:5.

Reading—S. Matt. 4:4.

Moderate speed—Eccles. 10:17 Acts 2:15.

Few words—Prov. 23:2 Ecclus. 31:12 2 Thess. 3:12.

Glad heart—Neh. 8:10 Esth. 9:19.

A part to them that need—Ecclus. 35:10.

              17.              Against impurity.

Gen. 38:24 Num. 25:1 Deut. 22:22, 30 Judg. 19:24 1 Sam. 21:4 2 Sam. 6:7 1 Kings 11:1 Job 31:9, 12 │ 40:16 Prov. 6:25 │ 30:15 Jer. 2:22 Ezek. 16:7, 30 Hos. 4:18 Hab. 1:16 Tob. 4:12 │ 6:16 Wis. 2:9 │ Ecclus. 9:6 11:27 41:22 │ 42:12 S. Matt. 5:28 │ 15:19 Rom. 1:29 13:13 1 Cor. 5:1 │ 6:18 │ 7:2 Gal. 5:19 Eph. 5:5 Col. 3:5 1 Thess. 4:3 Heb. 13:4 2 S. Pet. 2:12, 13 Rev. 18:2 │ 22:15.

              18.              Against covetousness.

Josh. 7:21 1 Kings 21:2 2 Kings 5:20 Ecclus. 14:3 S. Matt. 27:5 Acts 5:1 1 Tim. 6:9, 10.

              19.              Against the frauds of buyers and sellers.

Gen. 14:21 │ 37:28 Lev. 19:11 Deut. 25:13 Prov. 1:11 │ 20:10, 14 │ 26:27 Is. 5:20 │ 24:2 m Jer. 9:5 Hos. 12:7 Amos 8:5 Nah. 3:1 Ecclus. 26:29 │ 27:1 S. Matt. 8:20 f Rev. 18:11 15, 16, 23 l.

              20.              Against those that keep back the pay of their labourers.

Lev. 19:13 Deut. 24:15 Job 31:16 Tob. 4:14 Ecclus. 29:4 │ 34:20 S. James 5:4.

              21.              Against theft and thieves.

Gen. 31:32 Ex. 20:15 │ 21:16 │ 22:4 Lev. 19:11 Josh. 7:1 Prov. 1:19 Is. 1:23 Hos. 7:1 Obad. 5 Hab. 2:9 Tob. 2:13 Eph. 4:27.

              22.              Against sacrilege.

Jer. 7:11 │ 12:10 Ezek. 44:7 Dan. 5:3 1 Cor. 3:17.

              23.              Against those that keep back tithes.

Gen. 14:20 Ex. 22:29 │ 23:19 Num. 31:28 2 Chron. 31:5 Mal. 3:8, 10 Tob. 1:7 S. Matt. 5:17 S. Mark 1:44 2 Tim. 2:6.

              24.              Against simony.

Lev. 10:1 Num. 16:1 Josh. 7:24 Judg. 17:5 1 Kings 13:33 │ 20:12 2 Kings 5:26 2 Chron. 13:9 18:19 Job 13:3 │ 16:2 Prov. 23:23 │ 30:29 Jer. 20:2 │ 48:10 Hab. 2:12 1 Macc. 9:55 2 Macc. 4:8 │ 11:3 S. Matt. 10:8 │ 23:2 S. John 2:15 Acts 8:18 Heb. 5:4.

              25.              Against the four crying sins.

Oppression—Ex. 22:27 Ecclus. 35:17.

Impurity—Gen. 18:20 Joel 3:3 S. Jude 7.

Murder—Gen. 4:10.

Keeping back wages—Job 31:39 Ecclus. 34:21, 22 S. James 5:4.

              26.              That those who have acquired money unjustly, are bound to restore it.

Ex. 21:19 │ 22:1, 6 Lev. 5:15 │ 6:2 Num. 5:6 Prov. 28:24 Ecclus. 41:19 S. Luke 19:8.

              27.              That riches acquired by theft, fraud, calumny, and falsehood, will not endure; and not only perish themselves, but also destroy their possessor.

Job 4:8 │ 5:3 │ 8:22 │ 18:19 │ 20:15 │ 21:17 22:16 │ 24:18, 24 │ 27:14, 19 Ps. 109:11 Eccles. 5:13 Is. 5:8, 24 Ezek. 15:7 │ 16:39 21:31 │ 23:25 │ 26:20 │ 33:25 │ 34:10 Hos. 2:9, 12 Amos 3:11 │ 6:7 Mic. 1:15 Wis. 3:8 │ 4:3 Ecclus. 23:25 │ 40:13, 15 │ 41:9.

              28.              Against the rich and mighty men of this world.

Gen. 1:21 │ 9:2 │ 10:8 │ 28:11 l │ 40:14 Job 5:3 │ 15:21 │ 21:7 │ 27:18 Ps. 29:3 Eccles. 6:2 Is. 13:17 │ 28:1 │ 40:4 │ 43:6 Jer. 17:5 │ 48:1 Hos. 12:7 Joel 1:5 Wis. 5:8 6:6 l Ecclus. 31:8 S. Luke 6:24 │ 8:14 S. John 14:30 S. James 4:4 │ 5:1.

              29.              That it is difficult for a rich man to be saved.

Ps. 49:12 S. Matt. 19:23 S. Mark 10:23 S. Luke 18:24 Tim. 6:9.

              30.              That it is lawful to possess riches.

Gen. 13:2 │ 31:9 Job 1:3 Prov. 22:2 1 Tim. 2:2 │ 6:17.

              31.              Against the hope of the wicked.

Job 20:8 │ 21:13, 30 │ 24:20 Ps. 37:36 │ 40:5 Prov. 10:25 Eccles. 11:8 Is. 28:15 l │ 30:2 33:1 Jer. 12:1 l Wis. 5:8, 14 Ecclus. 5:3.

              32.              Against those who put their hope in the help of man.

Gen. 26:2 Judg. 7:2 1 Sam. 17:45 2 Chron. 20:12 │ 25:6, 7 │ 32:7 Ps. 108:8 Prov. 25:19 Is. 10:20 │ 16:12 │ 30:1 │ 31:1 36:6 Jer. 2:36 │ 17:5 │ 22:20 │ 42:13 │ 48:13 Lam. 4:17 Ezek. 29:6 Hos. 5:13 │ 8:8 Amos. 5:19 Judith 9:7 1 Macc. 3:18 │ 9:7, 17.

              33.              That we must not trust in transitory things.

2 Chron. 25:8 Job 31:24 Prov. 11:28 12:2 │ 28:26 f Is. 29:14 Jer. 9:4 Hos. 10:13. Amos. 6:1 Mic. 7:2, 6 Ecclus. 14:18 │ 32:22 1 Cor. 1:19.

              34.              That we must always trust in the LORD.

Deut. 33:29 1 Sam. 17:45 2 Chron. 20:12, 20 Prov. 3:5 Is. 40:31 │ 42:5 │ 50:7 Jer. 7:14 17:7 Wis. 3:9 2 Cor. 7:4 Heb. 4:16.

              35.              Of spiritual riches.

Job 22:23 Prov. 8:1 │ 10:4 Is. 33:6 Wis. 7:14 │ 8:5 Ecclus. 13:24 │ 44:6 1 Tim. 6:17.

              36.              Of the contempt of riches.

Tobit 2:11 Ecclus. 5:8 S. Matt. 10:23 S. Luke 8:15 │ 9:25.

              37.              Of the commendation of poverty.

Is. 48:10 f │ 53:2 │ 66:2 l │ Eccles. 4:6 Job 5:11 S. Matt. 5:3 S. Mark 10:22 S. Luke 9:58.

              38.              That the Church increases in spiritual gifts by poverty and adversity.

Gen. 41:52 Ps. 87:1 Is. 14:30, 32 l │ 30:20 Ecclus. 10:10, 30 │ 11:12 Acts 4:32 2 Cor. 8:9 Eph. 2:20 1 S. Pet. 2:4 Rev. 2:9.

              39.              Of those who trample upon the world.

Josh. 1:3. │ 10:24. Judg. 5:21 Ecclus. 24:6

              40.              Of the misery and labour of human life.

Gen. 3:16 │ 8:21 l Job. 13:25 │ 14:1 Eccles 2:11, 16, 23 │ 3:10 │ 6:7 Ecclus. 40:1 Eph. 5:15.

              41.              Against avarice and covetousness, and its effects:—

It brings anxiety—Eccles. 2:11, 18 │ S. Luke 12:17.

It causes disturbance—Prov. 11:29. Eccles. 2:22 Hab. 2:9, 10.

It pollutes—Lam. 4:8 Hos. 9:9 Hab. 2:6 Ecclus. 13:1.

It condemns—Prov. 1:32 │ 21:7 S. Luke 16:22 S. James 5:1.

It weighs down—Zech. 5:7 Wis. 5:7.

It puffs up—Job. 24:24.

It casts down—Ps. 73:17 Prov. 11:28.

It blinds—Gen. 20:16 │ Ecclus. 20:29.

It spoils—Rev. 3:17.

It empties—Is. 29:8 S. Luke 1:53.

It binds—Job 18:8 1 Tim. 6:9.

It afflicts—Ecclus. 4:8 │ 5:13 │ 10:15.

It closes paradise—S. Mark 10:24 S. Luke 18:24.

It is the mother of all crimes—Ecclus. 10:9 │ 27:1 1 Tim. 6:10.

It makes GOD our enemy—S. James 4:4.

It breaks down the defences of the mind Hab. 1:10.

It seduces with the appearance of kindness—S. Matt. 26:48 1 Thess. 5:5.

It chokes the words of Salvation—S. Matt. 13:22 S. Luke 8:7.

It deceives—Job 27:19 Ps. 76:5 S. Matt. 13:22 S. Mark 4:19.

It torments—Gen. 31:40 Eccles. 2:23.

It conquers—Eccles. 6:10 │ 10:19.

It causes men to backslide—Hos. 9:3. │ 12:1.

It causes the HOLY GHOST to withdraw Himself—Hos. 5:6 S. Matt. 6:24.

It speedily passes away—Ecclus. 40:13.

It destroys love—1 S. John 2:15.

It profits not in the hour of death—Prov. 6:35 10:2 │ 11:4 Ezek. 7:19.

It separates from CHRIST—Jer. 7:24 Ezek. 7:25 Zeph. 1:18.

It brings into danger—Prov. 21:6 │ 28:20 Is. 59:5. Hos. 8:6 Hab. 2:9.

It does not increase good works—S. Mark 12:42 S. Luke 21:2.

It is the parent of folly—Eccles. 10:15. S. Luke 12:20.

Of lies—Hos. 7:1 Ecclus. 25:2.

Of fear—Gen. 4:15 Job 15:21 Ps. 89:41 Is. 24:17.

Of rapacity—1 Kings 21:15 Prov. 1:19 Wis. 15:12.

It mocks at the righteous—Job 12:4 Ecclus. 27:1.

Its prayers are not heard—Job 27:9.

It heaps up the anger of GOD—Job 12:6 Is. 57:17 Hos. 12:14 Zech. 1:15 S. James 5:3.

It chooses the bitter instead of the sweet—Job 30:7 Prov. 23:35 │ 27:6.

It is not sensible of wounds—Job 33:20 Prov. 23:35 Is. 42:25 Jer. 5:3.

It despises wholesome doctrine—Job 33:20 Prov. 27:7 Jer. 22:21.

It despises the poor—Amos 6:6 Ecclus. 13:24 S. Luke 16:24.

It is terrified at death—Ecclus. 41:1.

It can scarcely be amended—Jer. 8:6 │ 48:11 Hos. 7:8 │ 13:12 Ecclus. 31:5.

It heaps up wealth for others—Job 1:21 │ 5:5 20:15 │ 27:16, 17 Ps. 49:11, 18 Prov. 13:22 l 22:16 Eccles. 2:18, 26 m Jer. 17:11.

It causes sloth—Jer. 48:11.

Rebellion—Deut. 32:15 Jer. 5:27 Hos. 7:15.

Weakness—Jer. 46:5.

Hatred—Prov. 11:26 S. James 4:4.

Idolatry—Hos. 8:4 │ 10:1 Col. 3:5.

Hardness of heart—Job 41:24 Is. 48:4 Zech. 7:12.

Oblivion—Prov. 10:7.

              42.              Against hardness of heart.

Deut. 15:7 Job 23:16 │ 30:25 Prov. 28:14 l Jer. 5:3 Amos 6:6 Zech. 7:12 Ecclus. 43:20 1 Cor. 12:26. Gal. 6:2 1 Tim. 5:8 1 S. John 3:14.

              43.              Against those that are unwilling to lend.

Ex. 22:25 Lev. 25:25 Deut. 15:9 │ 23:20 Ps. 37:21 S. Matt. 5:42.

              44.              Of the mercy of the LORD; or of the sweetness of GOD’s loving kindness towards the Poor.

Gen. 6:3 │ 18:7, 32 │ 19:12, 22, 26 │ 21:17 26:2, 3 │ 28:12 │ 31:24 │ 32:26 Ex. 3:7 6:6 │ 9:26 │ 10:23 │ 11:7 │ 14:30 │ 23:22 34:6 Num. 20:8 Deut. 10:18 │ 28:5 │ 32:6, 10 33:3 f Josh. 6:20 Judg. 4:3 │ 10:16 l 2 Sam. 24:14 Ps. 7:12 │ 9:10, 13 │ 11:5 │ 12:6 17:7 │ 18:6, 16, 27 │ 31:21 │ 32:6 │ 33:17 34:6, 18 │ 36:7 f │ 37:5, 23, 24, 40 │ 41:2 │ 44:8 48:8 │ 49:15 │ 51:1 │ 54:7 │ 57:1 │ 58:10 f 63:4 │ 66:14 │ 69:14 │ 72:12 │ 73:22 86:5, 13, 15 │ 89:1, 48 │ 91:4, 11 │ 94:18, 19 100:4 │ 103:3, 8 │ 105:12, 38 │ 106:1, 4 107:1, 8, 43 │ 109:20 │ 111:4 │ 113:5 │ 116:5 118:1 │ 130:8 │ 140:7 │ 143:10 │ 144:2 │ 145:7 147:3 Is. 30:19 m │ 40:11 │ 49:15 │ 57:18 61:1 │ 63:7 │ 64:5 Jer. 3:12 l │ 15:19 │ 29:13 31:18 l Ezek. 18:23 Dan. 9:18 Hos. 6:4 14:5 Joel 2:12 Jon. 4:2 l Zech. 1:3, 16 Mal. 3:7 Ecclus. 2:11 │ 5:4 l │ 18:5 │ 24:20 35:20 S. Matt. 5:44 │ 8:7 │ 9:2, 36 │ 11:28, 29 14:27 │ 15:28 │ 18:21, 22, 27 │ 20:34 │ 23:37 S. Luke 15:4, 22 Rom. 2:4.

              45.              Of the grace of GOD.

Prov. 12:2 Ecclus. 40:17 S. Matt. 10:8 S. John 1:17 │ 15:5 │ Rom. 6:15, 23 │ 12:6 1 Cor. 12:4 │ 15:10 2 Cor. 9:8 │ 11:7 Gal. 2:21 Eph. 2:7, 8 1 Tim. 4:4, 14 Heb. 4:16.

              46.              Of the union of mercy and justice.

Gen. 24:49 Ps. 7:12 │ 25:7, 9 │ 26:3 │ 36:5 57:4, 11 │ 61:7 │ 84:12 │ 89:25, 33 │ 92:2 101:1 │ 108:4 │ 117:2 │ 138:2 m Prov. 3:3 14:22 │ 16:6 │ 19:12 │ 20:28 Nah. 1:3 Mal. 1:6.

              47.              Of the commendation of mercy.

Ex. 25:17 Job 29:6 Ps. 84:12 │ 42:8 Cant. 1:3 Hos. 6:6 Zech. 1:16 f.

              48.              Of the mercy of man.

Ex. 25:2 Job 6:14 Prov. 14:21 │ 22:9 Eccles. 11:4 Is. 58:7 Hos. 6:6 │ 10:12 Ecclus. 14:13 │ 18:16 │ 28:2 │ 29:1 │ 30:24 S. Luke 6:30 │ 9:60 2 Cor. 9:7 1 Tim. 4:7.

              49.              Of compassion.

2 Sam. 1:17 │ 3:31 Job 5:18 │ 30:25 Eccles. 7:3 Is. 22:4 │ 24:16 m Jer. 9:1 │ 13:17 Amos. 6:6 S. Matt. 15:32 S. Luke 19:41 S. John 11:33 Rom. 12:15 1 Cor. 12:26 2 Cor. 7:3 │ 11:29 Gal. 6:3.

              50.              Of a good will in almsgiving; or, that GOD considers not how much, but from how much.

Gen. 4:5 │ 43:11 Prov. 11:20 Is. 1:15 Hos. 5:6 Ecclus. 34:20 │ 35:6 S. Matt. 10:42 S. Mark 12:43 S. John 9:41 2 Cor. 8:10 9:2, 7 l.

              51.              Of liberality.

Esth. 2:18 Job 31:17 Ecclus. 4:31 S. Matt. 12:13 S. Luke 6:30, 38 f.

              52.              Of almsgiving.

Pure, frequent, hearty, moderate and free;

To whom, how much, what, how, when, why from thee.

Pure—Ex. 27:20 Lev. 24:2 Acts 10:2.

Frequent—Eccles. 11:6.

Hearty—Ps. 112:2 Rev. 2:19.

Moderate—2 Cor. 8:13, 14.

And free—2 Cor. 6:12.

To whom—Prov. 13:8.

How much—S. Luke 11:41 1 Tim. 6:8.

What—Tob. 4:7.

How—Ecclus. 18:15.

When—Prov. 3:28 Ecclus. 4:1.

Why from thee—S. Matt. 6:2.

              53.              Of almsgiving in general.

Deut. 15:7, 11 Job 31:16 Prov. 3:9 │ 11:24. 17:1 │ 19:17 │ 28:27 │ 31:20 Is. 55:10 │ 58:10. Jer. 2:21 Ecclus. 3:14 │ 4:1 │ 14:13 │ 20:12 │ 29:12 S. Matt. 25:34 S. Mark 4:26 │ 12:42 S. Luke 3:11 6:30, 38 │ 12:33 │ 16:9 │ 19:8 1 Cor. 9:11 15:42 l │ 16:1 2 Cor. 8:2, 12 │ 9:6 Gal. 6:8 Eph. 4:28 Heb. 13:1, 16.

              54.              Of the effects of almsgiving.

It turns away the wrath of GOD—Prov. 21:14 Ecclus. 3:30.

It sets free—Tob. 4:10.

It cleanses—S. Luke 11:41.

It redeems—Dan. 4:27.

It brings a blessing—Acts 10:4.

It makes perfect—S. Matt. 19:21.

It blesses—Deut. 24:19.

It heals—Prov. 13:8 │ 16:6.

It raises—Acts 9:40.

It arms—Ecclus. 29:13.

It increases—S. Luke 18:29, 30.

It strengthens—Tob. 4:11.

It enlightens—Ecclus—7:20 Acts 10:3.

It enlarges—Prov. 3:9, 10 │ 11:24, 25 │ 18:16 28:27 2 Cor. 9:6, 10.

It anoints—S. Luke 7:46.

              55.              That alms are to be given with cheerfulness.

Ecclus. 18:15 │ 35:10 l 2 Cor. 9:7 l.

              56.              To whom alms are to be given; and that they are not to be given to those who need them not.

Ps. 112:9 Is. 58:7 Jer. 4:3 Ecclus. 12:1, 2, 4 S. Luke 14:12.

              57.              Against those who offer to GOD the worst of that which they have.

Gen. 43:11 Mal. 1:8, 14.

              58.              That alms are to be given in our life-time.

Ps. 95:2 Is. 58:7 Ezek. 1:12. S. Matt. 19:21 Philip. 3:13.

              59.              That alms, given from robbery, are not acceptable to GOD.

1 Chron. 21:24. 2 Chron. 31:3 Prov. 3:9 15:8 │ 21:27 Ecclus. 34:18 │ 35:12 1 Tim. 6:5 l.

              60.              That the offerings of the wicked will not be accepted.

Deut. 23:18 Is. 1:13 Jer. 6:20 │ 14:12 f Amos 5:22 S. Matt. 5:23.

              61.              That the oblation of a righteous man is acceptable to GOD.

Gen. 4:4 Ps. 51:17 Ecclus. 35:6, 7.

              62.              Of visiting the poor, and of hospitality.

Gen. 18:3 │ 19:1 │ 23:9 │ 29:13 Deut. 10:19 Josh. 2:1 Job. 5:24 S. Luke 1:39 Heb. 13:2 S. James 1:27 1 S. Pet. 4:9.

              63.              Of visiting the sick.

Job 29:25 Is. 38:1 │ 61:1 Ecclus. 7:34 38:9 S. Matt. 25:43 2 Cor. 1:7 S. James 1:27.

              64.              Of the works of mercy.

Visit: give meat: give drink: redeem the slave:

Clothe: house the stranger: lay the dead in grave.

Visit—Ecclus. 38:9 S. Matt. 25:36.

Give meat—Prov. 25:21 Rom. 12:20.

Give drink—S. Matt. 10:42.

Redeem the slave—Jer. 38:10 S. Matt. 25:36 2 Tim. 1:16.

Clothe—Is. 58:7 l.

House the stranger—Gen. 19:2 Job 31:32 Is. 58:7 m.

Lay the dead in grave—Tob. 1:17.

Counsel: rebuke: instruct in wisdom’s way:

Console: forgive: endure unmoved: and pray.

Counsel—Ex. 18:14 Rev. 3:18.

Rebuke—S. James 5:20.

Instruct in wisdom’s way—Deut. 4:10 1 Sam. 12:23.

Console—Job 30:25 2 Cor. 11:29.

Forgive—Ecclus. 28:2.

Endure unmoved—Acts 20:24 1 Cor. 13:7 f.

And pray—Num. 12:13 Job 42:8 m S. James 5:16.

              65.              Against pride and its effects.

It casts down—Job 30:22, 23 Ps. 83:13 Prov. 29:23 Eccles. 10:7 Is. 16:12 S. Luke 1:52 │ 6:37.

It infatuates—Prov. 21:24 Jer. 49:16 Hab. 2:5.

It condemns—Is. 2:12 Jer. 50:31.

It depresses—Is. 28:3 Mic. 1:3 Ecclus. 11:6.

It is the mother of all crimes—Ecclus. 10:13 f.

It destroys virtue—Is. 28:4 Ecclus. 6:22.

It pollutes all good—1 Cor. 5:6.

It stirs up quarrels—Prov. 13:10 28:25 Ecclus. 27:15.

It closes paradise—Ps. 101:7 Tob. 4:13 m.

It causes scandals—Prov. 22:5 Ecclus. 27:28.

Idolatry—S. John 5:44.

Hatred—Ps. 74:23.

It spoils wealth—Ecclus. 21:4 l.

It is rarely cured—Prov. 26:12 Ecclus. 3:28.

It hinders from beholding CHRIST—S. John 5:44.

It quickly passes—Job 15:20 │ 24:24 1 Macc. 2:63.

It subdues the heart to Satan—Job 41:34.

It takes the cloak of virtue—Is. 47:10 Ezek. 22:5.

It causes hypocrisy—S. Matt. 23:12, 13 S. Luke 20:47.

It oppresses the innocent—Ps. 119:78.

It despises the poor—S. James 2:3.

Superiors.—Gen. 16:5 1 Sam. 1:6.

Inferiors—S. Luke 18:11.

It seeks the first place—S. Matt. 23:6 S. Luke 20:46 │ 22:24.

It cannot serve—Job 21:15 Isaiah 14:13.

It is Satan’s offspring—S. John 8:44.

——— host—Job 40:21.

——— food—Job 40:15 f S. James 1:10.

It is impatient—Prov. 6:16, 17.

Hateful—Ecclus. 10:7 │ 25:2.

Accursed—Is. 21:1 Amos 6:8 Ecclus. 10:13.

              66.              Causes of pride.

Beauty—Ezek. 28:2.

Strength—Ecclus. 40:26.

Power—S. Luke 1:52.

Riches—Deut. 8:12.

Dignity—Deut. 17:20.

Outward ornament—Ecclus. 11:4.

              67.              Of pride in common.

Gen. 11:2, 7 Lev. 1:16 Deut. 1:43 │ 17:12 1 Sam. 2:3 2 Kings 18:4 f Job 11:12 │ 15:13 20:6, 7 │ 35:12 │ 36:19 │ 38:15 │ 39:18 │ 41:25 Ps. 129:4 │ 131:1 Prov. 8:13 │ 11:2 │ 16:18 18:12 │ 20:23 │ 21:24 │ 25:6 │ 29:23 │ Is. 2:10 5:14 │ 10:12 l, 33 │ 13:19 │ 14:12, 15 │ 16:6 22:16 │ 23:7 │ 24:21 │ 30:31 │ 34:5 │ 37:23, 29 40:4 f │ 47:8 Jer. 48:29 │ 50:31 │ 51:13 Ezek. 6:3 7:10 │ 16:49 │ 28:2 Dan. 4:30 │ 5:20 Obad. 3, 4 Hab. 2:5 │ Mal. 4:1 Ecclus. 10:7, 9, 14 │ 16:8 32:18 m 2 Macc. 9:4 l, 7 │ 15:6 S. Luke 1:52 10:18 │ 14:11 2 Thess. 2:4 │ S. James 4:6 2 S. Pet. 2:4, 18 Rev. 14:8 │ 18:7.

              68.              Against those that boast themselves of their beauty.

2 Sam. 14:25 Prov. 11:22 │ 31:30 Ezek. 28:17 S. John 6:63.

              69.              Against those that boast themselves of their knowledge.

Prov. 21:30 Ecclus. 41:15, 20.

              70.              Against those that boast themselves of their strength.

Is. 10:13 Jer. 9:23 m Wis. 6:8.

              71.              Against those that boast themselves of their rank.

Job. 17:14 Ezek. 25:13 Mal. 2:10.

              72.              Against those that boast themselves in their riches.

Job. 21:7 Ps. 37:7, 36 │ 49:6, 17 Jer. 9:23 Zech. 11:5 S. Luke 12:18.

              73.              Of humility and its effects.

It instructs—Prov. 11:2 l.

It enriches—Prov. 31:29.

It gives wisdom—Ps. 119:136 S. Matt. 11:25.

It opens the gate of paradise—Rev. 3:8.

It clothes the naked—Ps. 45:10.

              74.              Of humility in general.

Gen. 5:30 │ 18:27 │ 46:32 Ex. 3:11 │ 4:10 Judg. 6:15 1 Sam. 9:21 │ 15:17 │ 17:32 │ 18:23 24:14 2 Sam. 6:22 1 Kings 3:7 │ 21:29 2 Chron. 12:7 Job 22:29 │ 42:5 Ps. 10:13 34:18 │ 51:17 │ 65:13 │ 78:70 │ 84:11 │ 102:17 113:5 │ 131:1 │ 138:6 Prov. 25:6 │ 30:28 Cant. 2:1 Is. 8:6 │ 40:4 │ 66:2 l │ Jer. 1:6 Ezek. 1:25 Amos 7:14 Zech. 9:9 l Wis. 6:7 l Ecclus. 3:20 │ 11:1, 12 l │ 13:1 │ 20:11 │ 35:17 f Bar. 2:18 1 Macc. 9:73 S. Matt. 3:11, 15 4:19 │ 5:3 │ 11:29 │ 18:3 │ 19:14 │ 21:5 │ 23:11 S. Luke 1:38, 48 │ 2:51 │ 7:38 │ 14:8 │ 18:13 22:27 S. John 5:9 │ 13:5 │ 20:17 Acts 9:5 10:26 Rom. 12:16 1 Cor. 1:27 │ 15:9 Philip. 2:3, 8 Col. 3:12 Heb. 11:23 S. James 1:21 4:6 l Rev. 19:10.

              75.              That he who would ascend to virtues, must first descend by humility.

1 Sam. 2:8 Job. 22:29 Prov. 15:33 │ 29:23 l Ecclus. 10:14 │ 11:1 S. Matt. 18:4 S. Luke 1:48, 52 14:8 │ 17:14 │ 1 S. Pet. 5:6.

              76.              That the LORD hath chosen the weak things of the world.

1 Sam. 15:17 2 Sam. 7:8 Ps. 78:71 Amos. 7:15 S. Matt. 4:18 1 Cor. 1:27.

              77.              That he who is perfect ought to consider himself imperfect.

Ex. 39:25 Job 31:24 Ps. 26:11 │ 70:5 Prov. 8:34 Cant. 3:6 Joel 1:1 Ecclus. 18:7 S. Luke 17:10 S. John 19:39 Philip. 3:13.

              78.              He that compares himself to his superiors is humbled.

1 Sam. 24:17 S. Luke 1:43 │ 3:16 Acts 10:25 1 Cor. 15:9.

              79.              He that compares himself to his inferiors is made proud.

S. Luke 18:11 Acts 11:2.

              80.              That our righteousness, compared with the righteousness of GOD, is nothing.

Gen. 18:27 │ 19:23 Ex. 3:6 │ 4:10 Job 9:2, 20 22:2 │ 25:4 │ 42:5 Prov. 20:9 Cant. 4:11 Is. 6:5 │ 38:14 │ 43:26 │ 64:6 Jer. 2:22 │ 7:4 Lam. 4:20 Rom. 7:18 Heb. 12:3 1 S. John 1:10.

              81.              Of the false humility of the proud.

Ex. 9:27 │ 10:16 Josh. 7:20 Judg. 1:7 1 Sam. 15:24, 30 Esth. 7:7 Prov. 26:25 Is. 29:4 Ecclus. 12:11 │ 19:26 │ 29:5 2 Macc. 9:11, 17, 26 S. Matt. 27:4 Acts 8:24 Rev. 3:15.

              82.              Of obedience and its commendation.

Gen. 12:4 │ 17:23 │ 21:14 │ 22:3, 16 │ 24:45 28:6 Num. 32:25 Deut. 28:1 │ 29:9 │ 30:2 Josh. 10:12, 13 │ 11:15 Judg. 8:24, 25 1 Sam. 3:5, 16 │ 15:22 l 1 Kings 19:19 Esth. 2:20 Ps. 119:4 Prov. 13:13 │ 19:16 Eccles. 8:5 f Is. 11:14 l │ 20:2 │ 58:13 Ecclus. 3:1 1 Macc. 2:65 │ 8:16 S. Matt. 21:31 23:3 S. Luke 2:51 Acts 5:29 │ 9:6 Rom. 5:19 13:1 1 Cor. 11:2 Eph. 6:1 Col. 3:20 2 Thess. 3:4, 14 1 Tim. 3:4 Tit. 3:1 Philem 21. Heb. 11:8 │ 13:17 1 S. Pet. 1:14, 22 │ 2:13 3:6 │ 5:5.

              83.              Against those that are disobedient.

Gen. 3:17 Num. 16:12 Deut. 17:12 │ 21:18 1 Sam. 15:23 1 Kings 13:21 │ 20:36 Job 36:12 Jer. 6:19 Hos. 10:3 2 Thess. 1:8 Tit. 1:10 2 S. Pet. 2:10.

              84.              That we are to obey wicked superiors in that which they command, if it be consistent with GOD’s Will.

S. Matt. 23:3 1 S. Pet. 2:18.

              85.              That we are not to obey good superiors when they command that which is contrary to GOD’s Law.

2 Macc. 7:30 Acts 5:29.

              86.              Against vain glory.

Lev. 3:17 1 Sam. 13:3 Job 15:2 Ps. 52:1 74:5 │ 97:7 │ 131:1 Prov. 27:1 Jer. 9:23 Ezek. 7:10 │ 16:49 Dan. 4:30 │ 5:20 Obad. 4 Zeph. 1:7 Ecclus. 6:2 │ 7:4 S. Matt. 6:1 23:13 S. Luke 1:29 │ 10:20 S. John 8:50 12:43 Rom. 3:27 1 Cor. 1:27 2 Cor. 10:18 11:18 │ 12:1, 5 Gal. 5:26 │ 6:13 Philip. 2:3.

              87.              Against foolish mirth.

Judges 16:25 l │ 1 Sam. 30:16 1 Kings 1:49 Job 20:5 Eccles. 1:2 │ 2:2 │ 7:3 │ 11:9 Jer. 9:1, 18 │ 52:4 Lam. 4:21. Dan. 5:5 Joel 1:8, 13 │ 2:12 Wis. 5:8 Ecclus. 5:4 │ 7:36 16:1 │ 21:20 │ 22:6 │ 23:2 Bar. 4:26 1 Macc. 6:11 9:41 2 Macc. 9:8 S. Matt. 5:5 │ 24:38 S. James 4:9 │ 5:1 Rev. 18:7.

              88.              Of the shortness of the present life, and the vanity of man; or, against those that presume on a long life.

Gen. 3:19 │ 6:3 │ 19:27 │ 47:9 2 Sam. 14:14 1 Chron. 19:15 Job 4:18 │ 7:1, 7 │ 9:25 │ 10:20 13:25 │ 14:1, 10, 20 │ 15:33 │ 17:1 │ 18:5 │ 20:4 21:13, 21 │ 24:24 │ 25:6 │ 27:19 │ 30:19 l Ps. 37:2, 37 │ 58:8 │ 76:5 │ 90:6 │ 102:3 103:14, 15 Eccles. 2:11, 23 │ 5:15 │ 11:8 │ 12:7 Is. 16:9 │ 24:7 │ 28:1 │ 29:5 │ 40:6 │ 41:29 47:7 │ 51:6 │ Jer. 16:9 │ 25:10 Dan. 4:26 5:30 Hos. 2:11 │ 10:7 │ 13:3 │ Jon. 4:7 Zech. 4:10 Wis. 2:1, 5 │ 5:9, 14 Ecclus. 11:19 14:12, 18 │ 17:31 │ 18:9 │ 21:9 │ 28:7 │ 38:22 40:1, 11 S. Matt. 6:30 Acts 12:21 1 Cor. 7:31 S. James 4:14 Rev. 18:17.

              89.              Against hypocrites and by what signs they are known.

2. Sam. 15:2 Job 20:5 │ 36:13 │ 39:13 Ps. 49:13 Prov. 9:17 │ 11:9 │ 26:24 Is. 3:3, 14 58:4 Jer. 2:33 │ Zech. 13:4 │ Ecclus. 1:29 12:11 │ 19:26 2 Macc. 13:3 S. Matt. 6:2, 5 7:5, 15 │ 12:32 │ 23:13 S. Mark 12:38 S. Luke 11:43 │ 12:1 │ 20:46 Acts 23:3 │ 24:26 2 Cor. 11:13 1 Tim. 4:1.

              90.              Against those that observe the lesser commandments and neglect the greater.

Gen. 27:22 Mal. 1:14 S. Matt. 23:23 S. Luke 11:42.

              91.              That they who have secretly committed some great sin, cannot long escape detection, through the just judgment of GOD.

Josh. 7:18 2 Sam. 12:12 2 Kings 5:25 S. Matt. 10:26 S. Luke 8:17 │ 12:2 Acts 5:1 1 Tim. 5:25.

              92.              Of a good or evil intention.

Eccles. 2:14 S. Matt. 6:23 S. Luke 11:34 1 Cor. 10:31 Col. 3:17.

              93.              That all good works are to be done for the sake of GOD, and not for the sake of temporal benefits.

Ex. 12:8 Lev. 2:11 Ps. 49:18 S. Matt. 6:6, 33 S. Luke 22:19 l S. John 4:24 Col. 3:2.

              94.              That all good gifts are to be attributed to GOD; and that He is to be praised for them.

Job 31:25 Eccles. 1:7 l Is. 26:12 l Zech. 6:11 1 Cor. 3:2 │ 15:10 Philip. 2:13 Rev. 4:5.

              95.              That we are not to seek the favour of man in our works.

Gen. 31:20 │ 1 Sam. 14:1 Is. 39:4 l Jer. 48:10 S. Matt. 6:1 │ 8:4 f │ 17:9 S. Mark 9:9 S. John 8:50.

              96.              Against those who ascribe their works to their own strength.

Is. 10:13, 15 Dan. 4:30 1 Cor. 4:7.

              97.              That we ought to hide our good works.

Gen. 31:20 │ Ex. 2:2 Deut. 15:19 Is. 39:2 Jer. 20:15 S. Matt. 5:3.

              98.              Against anger and its effects.

It expels the gifts of GOD—Heb. 12:15.

It murders—Job 5:2 │ 18:4 S. Matt. 5:22 Gal. 5:20.

It grieves the HOLY GHOST—Eph. 4:30.

It causes strife—Prov. 15:18 │ 6:21 30:33 Ecclus. 28:11.

It is hateful—Prov. 27:3 Ecclus. 27:30.

It blinds—Job 17:7.

It opens a door to the devil—Eph. 4:26.

It can look for no mercy—Prov. 27:4 S. Matt. 5:7.

              99.              Against anger in general.

Gen. 4:5 │ 13:7, 8 │ 26:20 │ 31:29 │ 34:7, 25 │ 40:1 │ 44:18 Ex. 2:13 │ 21:18 Lev. 3:3 Num. 22:27 │ 24:10 1 Sam. 18:8 2 Sam. 19:42 Esth. 3:5 Job 36:18 Ps. 37:8 Prov. 15:18 17:1 │ 18:14 │ 19:12 │ 20:3 │ 21:9, 19 │ 22:8, 24 27:3 Eccles. 11:10 Dan. 3:19 Wis. 10:3 Ecclus. 1:22 │ 8:11 │ 22:14 │ 28:3 │ 40:5 S. Matt. 5:5 Rom. 12:19 │ 1 Cor. 13:4 Eph. 6:4 Col. 3:8 │ S. James 1:20.

              100.              That anger must not gain dominion over the mind.

Job 36:18 Ecclus 40:4 Eph. 4:26.

              101.              Against impatience.

Ex. 32:1 Prov. 14:17, 29 Ecclus. 20:15.

              102.              Of meekness.

Num. 12:3 1 Sam. 25:20 2 Sam. 22:36 Ps. 25:8 │ 34:2 │ 37:11 │ 45:5 m │ 76:9 │ 86:5 147:6 │ 149:4 Prov. 3:34 │ 12:10 Is. 11:4 40:7 Jer. 11:19 Zeph. 2:3 Ecclus. 5:11 10:28 S. Matt. 5:5 │ 11:29 S. James 1:21 l.

              103.              Of patience.

2 Sam. 16:10 Job 5:17 │ 7:1 │ 13:15 │ 41:8 Prov. 14:29 │ 15:1 │ 16:32 │ 19:11 │ 25:15 Wis. 3:5 Ecclus. 1:23 │ 2:4, 14 │ 6:5 Bar. 4:25 1. Macc. 8:4 2. Macc. 6:30 │ 7:36 S. Matt. 5:9 10:22 │ 18:26 S. Luke 6:28, 29 │ 21:19 S. John 16:20 Acts. 14:22 l Rom. 5:3 │ 8:18, 25 15:4 1 Cor. 13:4 2 Cor. 6:4 │ 12:9 Gal. 5:22 2 Tim. 2:3 │ 3:12 Heb. 10:36 │ 12:1 S. James 1:12 5:7, 8 │ 1 S. Pet. 2:19 │ 3:14 Rev. 2:7 │ 3:21 13:10 l │ 14:12 f.

              104.              Against envy in general.

Gen. 4:5 │ 26:14 │ 37:8, 11, 20 1 Sam. 3:2, 3 18:9 Job 5:2, 14 Ps. 78:46 Prov. 14:30 Wis. 2:24 │ 6:23 │ 7:13 S. Matt. 7:1 │ 20:15 S. Luke 7:49 S. John 12:5 Gal. 5:15, 21 f S. James 3:14 │ 4:5 1 S. Pet. 2:1.

              105.              Against those who rejoice in the misfortunes of others.

1 Sam. 15:35 2 Sam. 1:20, 24 │ 16:7 Job 31:29 Ps. 3:1 │ 79:4 Prov. 14:21 │ 17:5 l 24:17 Is. 14:10 │ 22:3 Jer. 38:19 │ 48:26 Lam. 1:21 m │ 2:15 │ 3:14 Ezek. 25:3 Mic. 7:8 2 Cor. 11:29 Rev. 11:10.

              106.              Against hatred.

Gen. 4:5 │ 27:41 │ 31:5 │ 34:25 │ 37:4 │ 49:7 Ex. 1:12 l │ 20:13 │ 21:12 Lev. 3:3 │ 19:17 f Num. 35:18 Deut. 19:11 1 Sam. 24:5 │ 26:8 Job 31:29 Prov. 20:22 │ 25:21 │ 26:26 Ecclus. 9:6 Jer. 15:1 Ezek. 25:12, 15 Amos 1:2 Ecclus. 8:7 │ 10:6 S. Luke 6:32 │ 23:34 S. John 15:8 Acts 7:59 Rom. 12:17 1 S. John 2:9 │ 4:20.

              107.              Against discord.

Ps. 133:1 Prov. 6:14, 19 l │ 15:18 Ecclus. 27:14, 15 │ 28:11 S. Matt. 12:25 1 Cor. 7:15 l │ 14:33 Gal. 5:20 l.

              108.              Against an evil solitude.

Gen. 39:11 l Eccles. 4:10 Jer. 49:31 Lam. 1:1 f 1 Cor. 9:22.

              109.              Against those that return evil for good.

Deut. 32:6 Judg. 9:16 2 Sam. 10:4 │ 11:15 2 Chron. 24:22 Ps. 35:12 │ 38:20 │ 109:4 Joel 3:4 Ecclus. 29:6 1 Macc. 16:17 S. John 10:32.

              110.              Against those that return evil for evil; or against revenge.

Lev. 19:18 1 Sam 12:23 2 Sam. 16:10 Ezek. 25:12 Ecclus. 10:6 │ 28:1 S. Matt. 5:44 6:15 │ 18:21 S. Luke 23:34 Rom. 12:14, 17.

              111.              Against murder.

Gen. 4:10 Ex. 20:13 │ 21:12 Lev. 24:17 Num. 35:16 Deut. 5:17 │ 19:11 Ps. 5:6 l 55:18 f │ 79:3 Prov. 6:17 Is. 1:15 │ 59:3 Ezek. 18:10 │ 22:12 f │ 24:6 S. Matt. 23:35 26:52 Gal. 5:21 1 S. John 3:15 Rev. 13:10 21:8.

              112.              Of those who are punished with the instrument of their own sin.

1 Sam. 17:51 Esth. 7:10 Ps. 7:16 │ 9:15 35:8 │ 57:6 │ Prov. 26:27 │ 28:10 Is. 33:1 Judith 13:6 S. Matt. 7:2 S. Luke 6:38 Gal. 6:7 Rev. 18:6.

              113.              Against those who unite in doing evil; or, that make a conspiracy against others.

Gen. 14:1 │ 34:25 │ 37:18 Ex. 32:2 Num. 16:1 2 Sam. 15:12 l Prov. 1:10 Is. 1:23 │ 8:12 Jer. 11:19 │ 38:5 │ Dan. 6:4 Wis. 2:10 S. John 11:47 Gal. 5:20.

              114.              Of congratulation.

Gen. 43:30 │ 45:1, 15, 26 │46:29 Tob. 11:13 13:14 S. Luke 15:6, 32 S. John 20:20 Acts 12:14 Rom. 12:15 1 Cor. 13:6 l.

              115.              That we must love our enemies.

Ex. 23:4 Prov. 25:21 S. Matt. 5:44 S. Luke 6:27 Rom. 12:20.

              116.              Of unity and concord, and their fruits.

Gen. 6:14, 16 | 45:24 1 Sam. 1:6 | 6:12 Ps. 22:20 | 26:11 | 27:4 | 68:6 | 133:1 Cant. 6:9 Is. 8:9 45:20 Judith 15:5 f | S. Matt. 18:19 S. Luke 10:42 Acts 4:32 Rom. 15:6 1 Cor. 9:24 Eph. 4:3 1 S. Peter. 3:8 Rev. 19:17.

              117.              That we are to keep peace with all; or of those that pacify tumults.

Gen. 13:8 45:24 Num. 13:30 Judg. 8:2, 3 Ps. 122:7 Is. 32:17 | 52:7 Zech. 8:19 l S. Matt. 5:9 S. Mark. 9:50 S. Luke 10:5 24:35 S. John 14:27, Rom. 12:18 | 14:19 Gal. 5:26 Philip. 4:7 Col. 3:13 1 Thess. 5:13 l, 26 Heb. 12:14 | 13:20.

              118.              Of reconciliation.

Gen. 33:10 | 40:21 | 50:17 2 Sam. 14:21 Ecclus. 22:21 | 1 Macc. 10:26, 54 S. Matt. 5:23 S. Luke 23:12 Eph. 2:16 S. James 5:20.

              119.              Against idleness or listlessness, and their effects.

Want—Prov. 10:4 | 13:4 | 14:4 | 18:9 | 19:15 20:4 | 21:5, 25 | 28:19 Eccles. 10:18.

Anguish—Prov. 15:19.

It dissipates—Prov. 24:31.

It is hateful to GOD—S. Matt. 25:26 S. Luke 19:22.

It is conceited—Prov. 26:16.

It deprives of good things—S. Matt. 25:28 S. Luke 19:24.

It remains in the same condition—Prov. 26:14.

It is timid—Prov. 26:13.

It is accursed—Jer. 48:10.

              120.              Against idleness in general.

Gen. 3:19 Ex. 17:11 Num. 21:4 l Josh. 18:3 Judg. 18:9 l, Ps. 73:5, 6 | 128:2 Prov. 6:6 12:24 | 16:26 | 22:29 | 31:19 Eccles. 5:12 9:4, 10 | 11:6 Is. 35:3 Zech. 8:9 Ecclus. 2:2 6:26 | 7:15 f | 40:30 S. Matt. 20:6 | 23:3 25:24 S. Luke 19:20 S. John 5:8 Rom. 13:11 Gal. 6:9 Eph. 5:14 Philip. 3:13 Col. 4:17 2 Thess. 3:8 2 Tim. 4:5 Heb. 12:12.

              121.              Against the sorrows of this world.

Prov. 12:21 | 15:13 | 17:22 | 25:20 Ecclus. 25:13 f | 30:22, 25 | 38:20 S. Mark 10:22 S. Luke 18:23 2 Cor. 7:10.

              122.              That we are not to lament the dead, or the calamities of this life beyond measure.

2 Sam. 12:20 Job 1:21 | 2:10 Jon. 4:9. 1 Thess. 4:13.

              123.              That we must be watchful; or against an evil security, because the day of the LORD will come like a thief.

Judg. 4:21 | 16:3, 19 | 18:7 Ps. 77:6 | 119:147 Prov. 4:23 | 6:9 | 8:17 l | 21:13 Eccles. 7:14 9:12 | Jer. 48:11 | 49:31 | Wis. 6:14 | Ecclus. 5:1 11:19 | 39:5 S. Matt. 24:42 | 25:13 S. Mark. 13:33 | 14:13 S. Luke 12:19 | 17:24 | 21:26 Rom. 13:11 1 Cor. 11:30 | 15:34 Col. 4:2 1 Thess. 5:2 1 Tim. 6:20 2 Tim. 4:5 1 S. Pet. 4:7 Rev. 3:2 16:15.

              124.              Against rain dreams.

Is. 29:8 Eccles. 5:7 Ecclus. 34:2.

              125.              Of time and its loss.

Deut. 32:35 Job 7:3 Ps. 145:15 l Eccles. 3:1 7:17 l | 8:6 | 9:12 Is. 13:22 l Jer. 8:7 Ezek. 7:12 Hag. 1:2 Ecclus. 4:23 1 Macc. 12:1 2 Macc. 6:25 S. Mark 13:33 S. Luke 19:44 S. John 12:35 Rom. 13:11 2 Cor. 6:2 Gal. 6:10 Eph. 5:16 | 6:18 Heb. 5:12 1 S. Pet. 4:17.

              126.              Against those that are negligent.

1 Sam. 3:13 | 1 Kings 20:32 2 Kings 12:7 22:5 2 Chron. 24:6 Prov. 1:2 Jer. 48:10.

              127.              Against omissions and venial sins; or, against those who neglect small things.

Ecclus. 19:1 l S. Matt. 25:35, 36.

              128.              Of spiritual joy; or of doing good works with gladness.

Ex. 15:1, 20 Judg. 5:1 1 Sam. 2:1 2 Sam. 5:3 Neh. 8:10 Job 31:17 Ps. 19:5 l | 118:24 Prov. 16:15 | 17:2. Eccles. 9:8 Is. 30:29 51:3 | 52:1, 9 | 54:1 | 60:5 | 65:14 Jer. 31:21 Zech. 10:7 | Ecclus. 4:2 | 18:15 | 30:23, 25 31:28 | 35:10 | 45:23 S. Matt. 6:16 2 Cor. 9:7 12:9.

              129.              Of the fervour of progress, and the anxiety to accomplish all duties.

1 Sam. 25:18 Ps. 5:3 Prov. 8:17 | 10:4 12:24 | 22:6, 29 | 27:1 Eccles. 9:10 | 11:6 Cant. 7:12 Is. 35:2 Lam. 3:27 Zeph. 2:14 Zech. 8:9 Ecclus. 5:7 | 6:18 | 14:13 | 25:3 51:20, 30 Heb. 4:11 | 12:12 Rev. 3:15.

              130.              That we must always advance in qoodness.

Gen. 9:1 | 26:12 | 28:14 | 35:11 Job 5:25 8:7 | 11:17 | 29:20 | 39:26 | 42:10 l Ps. 1:3 84:7 Prov. 4:18 | 11:28 l Is. 37:31 Ecclus. 18:7 Bar. 4:28 S. Luke 17:7 S. John 15:2 1 Cor. 9:24 2 Cor. 9:10 Philip. 1:6 | 3:12 2 S. Pet. 1:5, 12.

              131.              That we must always ascend.

Gen. 13:1 | 22:12 | 45:25 | 46:31 Ex. 19:13 l, 24 m | 24:12 Judg. 1:4 | 2:1 | 13:19 1 Sam. 1:3 f 23:29 2 Kings 2:11 | 16:5 1 Chron. 21:19 Ps. 24:3 | 47:5 Cant. 3:6 | 7:8.

              132.              That counsels are to be added to commands.

Job 1:8 Is. 2:3 | 54:2 Jer. 31:38.

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