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Prayer For The Month Of April

Prayer For World Peace

This month we reprint the same prayer as the last issue, because the world is still very much in turmoil with terrorism.

We ask you, Queen of Peace, to help us respond with the force of truth and love to the new and overwhelming challenges of the present time. Help us also to surmount this difficult moment, which disturbs the serenity of so many people, and to work unhesitatingly to build, everyday and in every environment, an authentic culture of peace. Amen.--Pope John Paul ll

Prayer Intentions For April
-For World Peace especially between the Israeli and Palestinian people
Echoing the words of Pope John Paul II, we pray for World Peace and for greater understanding, acceptance and tolerance between people of all races, cultures and religions.

-That every member of the Church respond to the present scandal of pedophilia with renewed personal holiness.

+Saint Of The Month For April+

St. Catherine Of Siena
Virgin and Doctor of the Church
April 29th

Catherine was born in the year 1347. She consecrated her virginity to God at a very young age. Her parents wanted her to marry and made life extrememly difficult in an attempt to discourage her religious aspirations. Eventually they softened their objections and when she was eighteen years of age, entered the Third Order of Dominican Nuns. Her life was marked by works of charity and the conversion of many. She also labored unceasingly to combat the Great Schism which she saw was taking place. St. Catherine also has long been held in great esteem as a great theologian by the Church. Catherine was thirty three when she died in 1380. Among her works "The Dialogue Of The Seraphic Virgin" has been sought after and treasured in every generation in the Church. In 1970, she was declared "Doctor of the Church"

Prayer: Lord God Our Father, grant us through the example and intercession of your servant St. Catherine of Siena, that we too may come to serve you in perfect humility and charity. Amen

Website Of the Month

Catholic Educators Resource Center

Departing from our usual format, this month we are recommending a single webpage rather than an entire website. Christina, one of our staff members passed it on to us and we couldn't agree more. The page is titled: "Answering Scandal With Personal Holiness" It is a reprint of a homily with the same title delivered by Father Roger J. Landry at Espirito Santo parish in Fall River, MA on the Fourth Sunday of OT, Year A. It deals with the scandal of pedophilia within the Church. And we will leave off there as we do not want to give away another single aspect of the homily. Needless to say that the homily is quite exceptional and eloquently written. It is well worth taking the time to be read by Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

We just want to say:"Well said Fr. Roger! Way to go!" Jesus has got to be totally pleased with you for this! We think you will feel the same once you read it. We give the webpage 5 stars!

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Image of St. Catherine used with kind permission from Catholic Pics/Catholic Saints

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