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A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.

Let our prayer,* O LORD, enter into the presence of Thy Majesty, and as Thou hast recalled us like lost sheep from our former errors, so grant that, taught by the preaching of Thy statutes, we may attain to the full grace of Thy loving-kindness. (1.)

O GOD, (Lu.) the Palm of all blessedness, Who as a healthful provider teachest Thy faithful ones to walk in Thy law, to search out Thy testimonies, and to keep Thy commandments; grant that we may with all our hearts seek Thy statutes, understand Thy words, and proclaim Thy wondrous works, that we who hitherto have been wandering like lost sheep, may rejoice in being borne back to Paradise on Thy loving shoulders. Who livest.

We humbly beseech Thee,* O LORD, that made to be doers of Thy judgments, keepers of Thy commandments, and searchers of Thy testimonies, we may rejoice in that Thou hast found the lost sheep, and by Thy diligence as the Good Shepherd hast brought it back to the fold of the Church, bearing it on Thy sacred shoulders, and thus united us to the fellowship of Thy Holy Angels. To Thee be glory with the eternal FATHER and the HOLY GHOST for ever and ever.

Make us, (D. C.) O LORD, to walk in Thy law holy and undefiled in the way of this life, diligently to keep Thy commandments, and leave us not ever alone in the keeping of Thy statutes. (1.)

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