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A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.

O GOD of unequalled mercy,* Who didst vouchsafe to undergo a curse, that Thou mightest save us from the curse of the Law, we beseech Thee that dealing with us in mercy for Thy Name’s sake, Thou wouldst deliver us from the sins which pursue us and the ungodly which molest us. (5.)

Thine enemies spake evil against Thee,* O LORD, then too when with crafty flattery they praised Thee as a good Master. Thou Who didst endure to be compassed and beset with their words of hatred, receive now, we humbly beseech Thee, the prayers of our confession. (11.)

O CHRIST,* unutterable WORD of GOD the FATHER,* with Whom the tongue of the ungodly was deceitful, committing a heinous crime, that they might shed innocent blood, grant Thy Church the word of peace, that we who strive to conquer the world after Thine example, may attain after our departure to behold the heavens. (11.)

Only-begotten SON of GOD,* Whose knees were weak through fasting, and Whose flesh was changed for lack of oil, cause us to run effectually after Thee for the perfume of Thine ointments, that Thou Who wast a reproach unto our enemies, mayest become the power of our salvation. (11.)

Glorious and merciful LORD,* Who didst grant unto blessed Leocadia to give great thanks unto Thee with her mouth, and didst will to be praised by her confession in the midst of the righteous, that Thou mightest glorify her, making her both confess Thee on earth, and rejoice in the assembly of the Saints; we beseech the gift of Thy bounty, that Thou wouldst grant us through her prayers to be purged from the taint of sin, to be delivered from everlasting burnings, and to attain the bliss of Thy glory. (11.)

Thou, O LORD, Who art sweet in mercy, (D. C.) and makest glad with Thy good Spirit our heart troubled within us by the motions of our sins, mercifully help and save us, that Thy servants may rejoice in Thee, and cause us to give great thanks unto Thee, O LORD, for evermore. (1.)

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