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A History Of The Church In Nine Books by Sozomen

“The holy synod assembled at Jerusalem, to the priests, deacons, and people of Egypt, Libya, and Alexandria, our most beloved and cherished brethren; greeting in the Lord.

“WE can never, O beloved, return adequate thanks to God, the Creator of all things, for the wonderful works he has now accomplished, particularly for the blessings he has conferred on your churches by the restoration of Athanasius, your lord and pastor, and our fellow minister. Who could have hoped to have seen this effected? God heard your prayers; He had compassion on His church; He hearkened to your groans and tears, and granted your supplications. You were scattered abroad like sheep without a pastor. The true Shepherd, who from Heaven watches over his own flock, restored to you him whom you desired. Behold, we do all things for the peace of the church, and are influenced by love like yours; therefore we received and embraced your pastor, and despatch by him this letter of congratulation to you on his return, whereby you may know that we are knit together with you in love for him. It is right that you should pray for the pious emperors, who, having perceived your anxiety for his return, and recognised his innocence, restored him to you with great honour. Receive him then joyfully, and offer on his behalf due praises to God; and let us ever rejoice in Him, and glorify Him in Christ Jesus our Lord, by whom be glory to the Father throughout all ages, Amen.”

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